Golf Registration Network

Internet Based Golf Registration Software


Pay only if you Charge for your Event

The Golf Registration Network is FREE to use if the Event Host does not collect monies from registrants.  If registration fees are collected, the pricing is as follows:

  • The Golf Registration Network (Handicomp) earns 1% of the transaction amount plus $.25 per transaction.
  • Stripe earns 2.9% of the transaction amount plus $.30 per transaction.
  • The Event Host earns the balance of the transaction.
  • Generally, an Event Host will attach a convenience fee to cover the cost of the transaction.

Pricing Examples

Event Host sets an $80 registration fee:
  • 1% * $80 = $.80 + $.25 = $1.05 to Handicomp (Golf Registration Network)
  • 2.9% * $80 = $2.32 + $.30 = $2.62 to Stripe
  • $80 - $1.05 - $2.62 = $76.33 to the Event Host
Note - the math will remain the same if registrant pays for multiple entries
(let's say a 4 registrants @ $320):
  • 1% * ($80*4) = $3.20 + $.25 = $3.45 to Handicomp
  • 2.9 % * ($80*4) = $9.28 + $30 = $9.58 to Stripe
  • (4*$80) - $3.45 - $9.28 = $306.97 to the Event Host

Event Host sets a $500 event registration fee:
  • 1% * $500 = $5.00 + $.25 = $5.25 to Handicomp (Golf Registration Network)
  • 2.9% * $500 = $14.50 + $.30 = $14.80 to Stripe
  • $500 - $5.25 - $14.80 = $479.95 to the Event Host

Assistance and Inquiry

For more details or assistance, please reach Handicomp at 616-457-9581 or info@handicomp.comLet's optimize your event registration management with our smart and cost-effective solution.